Elvis’s Guide to Courting Your Ideal Queen: Tudor Edition
While watching Priscilla 2023 film, I noticed some familiar techniques employed by our "King of Rock & Roll" in courting, shaping and maintaining his Queen of Graceland: Priscilla
1. Scout for Your Potential Queen:
Just like Henry VIII sent out advisors to find suitable brides, have your entourage search for young women who fit your vision of perfection.

Elvis’s entourage played a role in bringing Priscilla to him, much like historical courtiers seeking out a future queen.
Choose Youth and Innocence:
Look for someone young and impressionable. Kings like Charles I preferred brides who were compliant and moldable to fit their desires.
Priscilla was just a teenager when Elvis courted her, reflecting a pattern of seeking youthful innocence.Control Her Family Dynamics:
Negotiate with her family to secure your interests. Kings ensured loyalty through strategic marriages, so make sure her family is on your side.
Elvis established control over Priscilla's family by bringing her into his world, emphasizing his dominance.Send Her to an All-Girls School:
Ensure she receives an education that aligns with your ideals. Just like historical queens, keep her influenced by the right values and behaviors.
Priscilla was sent to a Catholic school, aligning with Elvis's vision of femininity and compliance.Keep Her Close for Control:
Always have your queen within arm’s reach. Monarchs maintained power by keeping their partners close—this ensures her loyalty and obedience.
Elvis often kept Priscilla nearby, reinforcing his control over her actions and decisions.
2. Isolate Her from Peers:
Keep her away from friends who might influence her thinking. Isolation is a tried-and-true tactic to maintain loyalty, just as Tudor queens experienced.
Elvis often distanced Priscilla from her friends, further controlling her environment and perceptions.
3. Manage Her Public Image:
Control how she is perceived in public and media. Craft her persona to align with your expectations and desires—just like kings managed their queens.
Elvis was known for wanting Priscilla to adhere to a specific image, reflecting societal expectations of women.
Shape your queen's image to reflect your status. Just as Anne Boleyn represented Henry’s power, ensure she embodies your brand and influence.
5. Set Rigid Expectations for Compliance:
Priscilla faced pressure to conform to Elvis’s expectations of femininity, limiting her self-expression.
Allow her more independence only after she bears your heir. Historical queens often gained more autonomy once they fulfilled their primary duty.
Priscilla’s autonomy fluctuated, often linked to her relationship with Elvis and their family life.
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