Beauty Beyond Borders: The Globalisation of Female Ideals
In the age of globalisation, beauty standards have woven a complex tapestry influenced by various cultures, often dominated by Western cisnormative ideals—light-skinned, slender, and conventionally attractive. These standards have become an almost universal benchmark, compelling many to chase an often unattainable image. The documentary The Illusionists (2015) highlights the global impact of these ideals, particularly in Asian cultures where lighter skin and larger eyes are sought after. Skin-lightening products and cosmetic procedures such as double eye-lid surgery have surged in popularity as women strive to meet these expectations, believing that such alterations are necessary for beauty and social acceptance. Reflecting on my own experience studying makeup artistry, I recall being taught techniques aimed at altering features to fit these ideals. We practiced achieving “almond eyes” and “oval faces,” with one class specifically focusing on “Asian eyes” to make them appear more almo...